共找到93条 "it面试题"相关问题
Can I change it back after transferring the group admin?
Hello, a chat group has only one group admin, usually is the person who created the group; 1. The ow ...
Can I save it temporarily after the announcement is edited?
Hello, the announcement does not currently have the function to save drafts, please be careful. ...
Forgot the previous account, how to get it back?
Hello, if the phone is accidentally lost, please re-register the DingTalk mobile phone number as soo ...
Can the team ID be hidden after it is opened?
Hello, after the team has been created, a unique number will be generated. When the new employee sea ...
It has been shown why successful activation is still not used.
Hello, as long as the DingTalk account can log in normally, it means that the activation is successf ...
It seems that only the mobile client can modify the avatar.
Hello, if you need to modify your personal information, please do the following:Mobile app: [Me]-pre ...
How some people move to the outside, it still exists inside
If the administrator settings modify the department related settings: 1. Desktop client: Login Admin ...
Why did I join the company but ask me to delete it?
If you need to apply to join the team, you can refer to the following methods:1. Click on this link ...
How to set the mobile number to prevent others from seeing it?
Hello, if you don't want the number of important members such as the boss to show to other employees ...
It always a stuck, I can't open the picture.
Hello, if you can't open picture in DingTalk, please check: 1. Switch internet connection and login ...