How to add friends in DingTalk?

Hello, if you want to add a DingTalk friend, you can use the following methods:

1. DingTalk Mobile APP: In the upper right corner of the message page, [+] - [Add Contacts], you can enter the mobile phone number of your friend, scan the QR code of the person or add a mobile phone contact (if the person does not register the DingTalk, the mobile phone number cannot be searched in result; if it is a foreign mobile phone number, the country code must be added when searching);

2, Desktop client: click on the search box in the upper left corner -  enter the phone number or DingTalk ID -  to find the phone number or DingTalk ID - [add friend];

3, Add group members as friends: enter group chat interface - find the person and click on the avatar, DingTalk mobile client click on [Send Friend Requst]; desktop client click on the upper left corner-[Add Friends].


1. View your QR code: [DingTalk mobile App] - [Me] - QR code image;

2. After the friend relationship is released, the operation cannot be undone, but the above method can be used to re-add the other party as a friend.
