How to transfer super admin if he/she leaves the company?

If the super administrator has left or needs to be replaced, please follow the steps below:
First, [can contact the previous administrator]
Ask the previoes enterprise administrator log in [Admin Panel] - [Settings] - [Super Admin], and transfer (you need to transfer the primary administrator before you withdraw from the enterprise);
Second, [can not contact the previous administrator]
you can upload documents to apply for replacement:
1, the business license copy stamped with the company's official seal;
2, the company authorization letter: clickablehttps://files.alicdn.com/tpsservice/54286514208923e555362bd2d79f80cb.docx to download;
3, The applicant holds a photo of the ID card (clearly displaying the facial information and ID card information, and the replaced mobile phone number must be an employee within the enterprise and not a sub-administrator).

Submitting the request to replace the administrator is limited to certified companies. The unverified team does not support to apply for the time being, if the team needs to change admin please to re-create it if necessary. In addition, if the applicant and the transactor are inconsistent, then the applicant must be an employee in the enterprise and provides a photo of the hand-held ID card, also need the mobile phone number of the person in charge of the enterprise and provides the original photo of his ID card.
Please upload a copy of the business license with the official seal, the photo of the applicant's ID card, and the company authorization letter with the official seal. Click this link to upload.(https://tms.dingtalk.com/markets/dingtalk/nbdorder?templateId=300101201),

Please be sure to confirm that the uploaded data is correct, otherwise the progress may be delayed.

We will verify the processing as soon as possible, and we recommend that you pay attention to about 1-3 business days.
